Using a Westworks DPS for Retrofit Solutions
Our Building Maintenance & Compliance DPS is for the provision of works and services for the maintenance, improvement, conversion, upgrading, regeneration, and refurbishment of dwelling houses, flats, sheltered schemes, sheltered accommodation, commercial and communal facilities, corporate property, and similar buildings.
There are various subcategories within this DPS which can be utilised for retrofit solutions:
Installations & Rewires
Including flat and pitched roofing, roofing repairs, flat to pitch and maintenance.
Insulation & Remedials
Including external insulation.
Insulation Installation
Including EWI/IWI.
Insulation Removal & Remedial Works
Damp Proofing/Waterproofing
Window & Door Installations
Including access, egress, and fire doors.
Windows/Doors Supply & Install
Doors Only Supply & Install
Communal/Entrance Doors
M&E Electrical
General Building
Including external insulation.