Lindy Morgan
Chair of Board

Lindy believes that effective procurement is the foundation to delivering and maintaining quality affordable homes and buildings. Lindy is an experience non-executive director and as well as chairing Westworks, is also a non-executive director, and chair of Hastoe Housing Association. Lindy has over 30 years of housing experience, which has been based mainly around new homes development, as well as mixed use regeneration for both local authorities and housing associations.

Ian Dorward
Chief Executive Officer

Ian has recently joined Westworks as CEO and is looking forward to leading the organisation to deliver an ambitious but achievable strategy, which will see enhanced services for both our members and suppliers alike.

Alec Pegam
Board Member

Alec is a professionally qualified leader with over 40 years’ accumulated management experience in the social housing sector, construction, and development. Alec currently works at Sovereign Housing, having previously spent twelve years at Aster Group operating at Director level. Alec has held several Board roles with a strong focus on governance, compliance, risk management, corporate strategy, and leading through innovation.

Katrina Michael
Board Member

Katrina is a qualified accountant and governance specialist. She has worked at Director level or above in housing associations and other not for profit housing-related organisations for over 25 years. During that time, she has overseen large procurement exercises and has managed in-house procurement teams. Katrina joined the Westworks Board as a representative of one of our customer housing associations, but is now an independent member of the Board, focussing on the financial and governance aspects of the Business.

Carol Murphy
Board Member

With a degree in Business Management, Carol has worked in Procurement for over 20 years. She has been in a housing association for over 4 years and prior to this was in the telecoms industry, so has experience of both private and public sector procurement. During that time, she has overseen a vast array of procurement projects, managed procurement teams and has been involved in and led on in a number of procurement transformation projects.

Ben Cook
Board Member

Ben has a broad house building experience including leading Land, Planning, Technical and Commercial teams in the South West, spanning across nearly three decades. Ben also project managed the award-winning Zero Carbon project at Hanham Hall, Bristol for Barratt Homes, which was one of the country’s first truly zero carbon projects in partnership with Homes England (HE). Ben is now the Development Director (South) for The Guinness Partnerships and is also a Non-Executive Director at Brighter Places, where he has been able to use his experience to help deliver great homes and customer experience.